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Started by skip68, November 14, 2015, 09:53:23 AM

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Quote from: skip68 on November 14, 2015, 11:07:46 PM
Amen.    :cheers: 
They are a threat to civilization.   Maybe we get a few million troops together from all the countries and walk shoulder to shoulder across that place in a big circle so they're surrounded.   :shruggy:

            this is exactly what it needs, boots on the ground   :yesnod:  but not just this country or that country + a few mates trying to slow it down.
       it needs troops from EVERY civilised  nation  ,on the ground at the same time(fighting on the same side   ;D) .lots of them until its over  .
      not a tag team war like what we've been fighting ALL of them together  showing a united front and a clear message :flame:

                                            basically another crusade as others have likened it to  :yesnod:

  and 71 GA4  383 magnum  SE


Quote from: A383Wing on November 14, 2015, 11:09:28 PM
bomb the hell out of them over there and level the place and build a Walmart

:cheers:--There is no point in going after this problem with metered or half way efforts. That has been shown (over and over) to just accelerate the cancer.
I'ts time for the libs to get out of the way and let the rest of us save ourselves. The libs can pick up their lower lips and enjoy their lives along with everyone else after the cancer is back in remission.

BTW those that are fleeing that area would likely want to go back when living a productive and comfortable life could be had where they came from.


That's the only way I'm for boots on the ground.  They must do a sweep with every nation around the world involved.  Millions of troops.  Can you imagine the look on those rag heads faces when they find out that the world is coming.    :smilielol:  I'd imagine because of the site of that most would surrender or run.   They'd bunch up in different groups in buildings and then when they're cornered we just level the buildings.   Talk about effective.  
Send them this message.  
You want to fight the world ? Well guess what, we'll make it easy for you.   We'll come to you.  
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: polywideblock on November 14, 2015, 11:19:04 PM
Quote from: skip68 on November 14, 2015, 11:07:46 PM
Amen.    :cheers:  
They are a threat to civilization.   Maybe we get a few million troops together from all the countries and walk shoulder to shoulder across that place in a big circle so they're surrounded.   :shruggy:

           this is exactly what it needs, boots on the ground   :yesnod:  but not just this country or that country + a few mates trying to slow it down.
      it needs troops from EVERY civilised  nation  ,on the ground at the same time(fighting on the same side   ;D) .lots of them until its over  .
     not a tag team war like what we've been fighting ALL of them together  showing a united front and a clear message :flame:

                                           basically another crusade as others have likened it to  :yesnod:

You are spot on mate :icon_smile_wink:---Every country with the means to contribute needs to work as one.  :cheers:  And this doesn't mean a random push to kill everyone in site. :eek2:  It means the world is healing itself and those that want to die for their belief will have the backing, support, and aid of the world to get it over with.---We are here to help you suicidal folks :D

I heard about an organization called the "united nations" back in the sixties. I wonder if anything ever came of that group. :shruggy: --- Since it was that long ago perhaps many of those folks have passed on. :eek2:---It does seem like a good idea for nations to unite.? :scratchchin:--They could maybe build a great building and all get together and do stuff for everyone's benefit. ::)


United Nations.    :scratchchin:  I like the sound of that.   Perhaps they should become the world police.    :shruggy: 
Something to think about at least.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


 :cheers: I often wonder what ever happened to them   :scratchchin:  
last I saw the UN  do anything was Bosnia , strangely just like in Afghanistan the people we helped turn and bite us on the ass    :slap: :shruggy:

  and 71 GA4  383 magnum  SE


Hey, invitations could go out to every country in the world to be part of the U.N.    Even the ones we don't like.   :yesnod:  even the Australians would be welcomed.   Of course we don't need to invite the Mexicans, because they'll be sneaking in anyway.    :rofl:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


will be interesting to see if the French foreign legion gets hands on in this one   :scratchchin:

  and 71 GA4  383 magnum  SE

Mytur Binsdirti

Geraldo Rivera's daughter was at the stadium at the time of the bombing & he was live on tv visibly shaken.

Obviously, the man just had a wake up call.

Mike DC

Do you guys not realize that the ME has been full of "boots on the ground" for millennia?  Our troops, their troops, conflicting groups, etc, it's always been there.  You can't "shock & awe" people who have been seeing military presence & violence their whole lives. 

The bad guys might have killed 140+ people this time but it doesn't mean there are more bad guys than we're used to.  This is still a small percentage of the ME we have to deal with. 

"Islam is not a peaceful religion," blah, blah, blah.  Yeah I know.  So what if it isn't?  Prison is not a peaceful environment either.  But the prison system still knows that a few inmates are the real troublemakers to keep an eye on, even though the entire population is more trouble-prone than average.  It's a waste of effort to act like most of the ME population has jack shit to do with terrorism.  It was a waste of effort years ago and it's a waste of effort now. 

Who keeps themselves in power by funding terrorism externally?  This stuff benefits somebody.  The fact that "somebody" hasn't been cut off from funneling money to terrorists probably has a lot more to do with who "somebody's" friends are over here.  The Bush family has more loyalty to the Saudi royal family than they do to any of us, that's a fact.  The Clintons/Obamas/etc are playing the same games. 

We can blow shit up & kill people over there all we want.  Nobody is stopping us.  We've been doing it for years already.  They've been doing it to themselves since before Jesus was there.  It won't do what we want.  We have great big hammers but you can't fix a cancerous growth by hitting it with a hammer. 


Millions of troops walking shoulder to shoulder.   Nobody's ever seen that.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!

Mike DC

But that's just it - even something that exaggerated still WON'T work.  

Would the CIA stop doing covert crap in the ME, just because a zillion ME soldiers marched through Ferguson, MO ordering people to stop doing covert crap in the ME?  Hell no. 


Quote from: skip68 on November 14, 2015, 09:53:23 AM
They have no intention on becoming part of this world and only wish to destroy it.  

They only wish to destroy enough of it to force the whole world to convert to Islam. You can't kill an idea and global jihad is an idea.
Pardon me but my karma just ran over your dogma.


Quote from: John_Kunkel on November 15, 2015, 04:29:49 PM
Quote from: skip68 on November 14, 2015, 09:53:23 AM
They have no intention on becoming part of this world and only wish to destroy it.  

They only wish top destroy enough of it to force the whole world to convert to Islam. You can't kill an idea and global jihad is an idea.

I agree that an idea can't be killed.-- I also think an idea can be identified and dealt with as a bad one (an evil that can result in no benefit for the whole).

To expect the rest of the world to bend over and accept their "idea" is a fantasy.  That is the original idea of killing people at random. Is it not intended to scare people into thinking like they do??

These folks do not plan for a better place where we all are.  They are enduring this place and can't seem wait to get out of here. We can help them. :D


A better understanding of who/ what Isis and or jihad is might help. :slap:---Here is sorta what I have come to understand.---

Hey ws23rt I'm an Isis guy how are you doing?
I'm good--sup
Do you know what Isis and jihad is?
Well just what I see on the news.--You folks want to kill everyone that is not just like you.
Yup--you got it.
So are you going to kill me cause I'm not like you?
What if I chatted with you and decided to join your belief?
I would kill you anyway.
Really? why?
Cause I got all my stuff ready. My guns, bomb vest,and stuff--you know?--I need to kill anyone near me just in case. :shruggy:
You mean you would kill me even if I thought just like you?
Yup--but don't worry. If you think like me you will be fine. Dying is cool. you will like it.---That is unless you truly don't think like me. Then it will be just regular death and that's not good.
How did you come to know about this right thinking?
Well some cool dudes found me and wanted to help me learn about the world.  I'm glad they did cause I can do anything I want and if I die it's not real.

My mind sometimes wanders with questions. ::)


Sounds like France is mulling the collective defence of NATO:  "Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies."  Don't know whether that will happen.  Wonder what Russia does if it happens.

Who in their right mind would say

"The science should not stand in the way of this."? 

Science is just observation and hypothesis.  Policy stands in the way.........

Or maybe it protects us. 

I suppose it depends on the specific case.....


ISIS isn't a traditional enemy. As already has been said, the big problem is the ideology. Sending in troops to fight door to door or even attempting to cut off the head of the command and control does little to stop it proliferation of what they believe is serving the will of their god.....and that is to kill all non believers!

Mike DC

QuoteISIS isn't a traditional enemy. As already has been said, the big problem is the ideology. Sending in troops to fight door to door or even attempting to cut off the head of the command and control does little to stop it proliferation of what they believe is serving the will of their god.....and that is to kill all non believers!

Many inmates in a US prison would stand by and not interfere if a few lifers kidnapped some guards & started shooting them.  That doesn't prove all the spectator prisoners are just as dangerous as the lifers doing the kidnapping & shooting.

I'm not brushing off the troubling parts of ME religious/cultural beliefs.  But we're talking about millions of people in that part of the world, just like here.  The vast majority of the people in the world want to make a living & raise their kids, not kill random people in other countries.  It's true over there just like it is here.  

A portion of ME might not mind seeing terrorism hitting the West.  Some probably get a kick out of it.  But that doesn't make the entire ME population uniformly dangerous to us like the ISIS members.    It doesn't even prove that whole ME population even cares enough to lift a finger or spend a dime supporting it.


^^^well stated :2thumbs:

So if the accepting bystanders were to feel the threat of the radical side as being a personal affront we would have the proper army for defense.

The inmates in a US prison (for example) know that they are immune to what their cellmates do. If the inmate population as a whole were to feel the consequence of the few--- things would change.
As has been said earlier. Their are ways to get to the root of the issue in a hurry but some of those solutions are very similar to the problem that brings it on.


Marshall law, without prejudice comes to my mind.   We along with our U.N. friends sweep the middle east.   Anyone helping or hiding radicals is considered the same.   Hard decisions have to be made for the better of the whole.   No more talk, it's time for action.   That's been the problem with this country for decades.  To much talk about policies and pussy footing around.   We used to be a country of strength and men and pride. 
We put ourselves first and protecting home was job one.   We're weak now and it's embarrassing.   The price of our country's freedom wasn't free.  Our American blood has been spilt for our freedom countless times for centuries.   How much more can we spill for others that won't do it for us or themselves?   You want us to take you in, fine.   Then every man over 18 and under 35 needs to be drafted over there.  We'll take your women and children but Dammit you will fight with us or be trained to do something there supporting us. 
Rant over.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


I agree :2thumbs:  To put off a comprehensive response will just drag this out and call for what is needed "later".--Today is the "later" that was referred to yesterday. ::)

Exactly what will it take for our (voted for) :D leaders to get off the pot and perform their primary task?


Quote from: skip68 on November 15, 2015, 10:44:48 PM

That's been the problem with this country for decades.  To much talk about policies and pussy footing around.   We used to be a country of strength and men and pride. 
We put ourselves first and protecting home was job one.   We're weak now and it's embarrassing.   The price of our country's freedom wasn't free.  Our American blood has been spilt for our freedom countless times for centuries.   How much more can we spill for others that won't do it for us or themselves?   You want us to take you in, fine.   Then every man over 18 and under 35 needs to be drafted over there.  We'll take your women and children but Dammit you will fight with us or be trained to do something there supporting us. 
Rant over.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!

Mike DC

The Sheriff of Nottingham couldn't flush out Robin Hood by pushing around the public every time RH steals from one of his cronies.  

It doesn't work.  The public just resents the authorities and gains sympathy for the terrorists.  We end up being "the invaders" and the terrorists become "the Resistance".    


These days 90% of the kids under 25yo in Afghanistan have never heard of the 9/11 attacks.  But they know we invaded Afg & Iraq.  

What did we need to do, stay over there & keep them informed?  We spent a full decade over there trying to be good guys.  This situation is what we have to show for it.  

These situations are not controllable with military force invasions from our side.  We've been re-learning this lesson again the hard way every 15-20 years since WWII.  We can blow shit up & kill people but we won't control how the invadees think & react to us. <--- When you want to stop the Nazis or USSR this doesn't matter.  When you want to stop terrorism, it does.