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I feel so lost, but I feel there maybe some comfort to vent.

Started by cudaken, August 16, 2005, 12:03:57 AM

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Man, I'm sorry to hear that news.   As many conversations as we've had over your counter there at work, I feel as strongly as you do that they made a mistake in letting you go.  

You have to wonder, even if the new Mgr. lasts only 4 weeks, if you should EVER go back.   Chances are that if the Evil Overlord is still there, they will only look to you as a means to an end, meaning they would want you to clean up someone else's mess.   They would feel like the mistake made was in hiring that particular manager, and not in letting you go.   If that's the case, after they find someone they think would do a better job than this new guy, the axe would just fall again.   Wonder how long Marty will stay with all this mess?

I am very glad to hear you have some job opportunities, the way it sounds.   Any other possibilities closer to home, out of curiosity?

Keep us posted on things - it'll help just to vent, like you said.



Ken, Didn't you tell me you were going to be vested next month? So you would have gotten a raise and 2 weeks paid vacation?  It looks like to me that may be the real reason for your termination.  I would find another shop, I would go to Macco before I would work for the evil overlord again!
1969 Dodge Charger 500 440/727
1970 Challenger convertible 340/727
1970 Plymouth Duster FM3
1974 Dodge Dart /6/904
1983 Plymouth Scamp GT 2.2 Auto
1950 Dodge Pilot house pick up


hey Ken

Hope things are starting to look up...any news on those job oppertunies you mentioned?

personally i think things like this happen just to keep our feet on the ground when things are going well...
year or two back I applied for a job just round the corner, good money , benefits an all that.....but had a two month application time with testing & everything, so in the mean time I decided to get some agency work.
Now usually this is real basic stuff, factory work, office filing you know...but they placed me at the local hospital working with the social workers in the E&A dept.
I loved this job....I was appeciated & i felt like I was doing something for people......I would have done twice the hours for half the pay! I loved it that much. They like me talkied of me being permanent etc....
so when the job I had applyed for just round the corner came up ..I turned it down after all I was having the training to go permanent Tuesday right...............WRONG
That was the Thursday night- Friday they told me that the Temp job was over ..big bosses had decided the didnt need someone even parttime!
I was gutted & cried all weekend I had spent allmost a week freeting trying to decide which job to go for- the good pay or the satifaction.......
and having stayed as a three day a week temp for 3 month nearly funds were getting low

I now work in the sensible job round the corner(& love it) money is good & getting better but I stil smile when I remmber the Temp job & I dont think I would do the job I do now as weel as I do if it hadnt of happened!

wishing you & yours all the very very best & good luck
Laine  :-*

my daughter & boyfriend 'Sunny Sunday'

DFPA and proud of it!


hey Ken
  i'm glad to see that you can see a little sun through the clouds. life's a bitch man! i understand the med cost. i lost my coverage 3 yrs ago. when i had to retire from my job. health reasons. but a new path opened up for me and things are good getting the bills paid with a little money left over for my cars. from what i've read here your a talented man and will have no problem finding yuor new path. maybe it'll be a more fun one this time . good luck. Rene and Nurit

I won't be wronged, I wont be Insulted and I wont be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to others, and I require the same from them.


Drop Top

Ken. You and I are not so much differant. When I was 30 I lost my DAD. When he died I lost everything I had worked for all my life. And I had worked for it sense I was around 9 or 10. Its a long story so I wont go into it. I had to start completely over at 31. But I eventually met my mentor and by 33 I had started my own Restoration shop and realized that everything happens for a reason. I know have much more then the person that took advantage of me. He lost everything and went form managing a multimillion dollar operation to working for someone else. To make matters worse. He's still is in debt to me for $500,000 (Witch I will never see.) and now at 57 he's sloping hogs for a living for the guy that helped him loose everything. They make a wonderful couple by the way.  :icon_smile_evil: Sounds like its time to take advantage of your talent and start your own business. Thats what I did. It wasn't easy but I am very satisfied now.

Keep your chin up and things do have a way of working out. By the way I'm 47 now. So it didn't happen overnight and it took allot of hard work and I still work hard. But I love what I do.


   you are a great person.  i truly enjoy counting all your spelling errors. keep your chin up high and put your trust in a person of higher power and you shall always make it through. He opens doors for all, if you are willing to open yours to Him.

Good luck buddy, you are in my prayers.

67 Plymouth Barracuda, 69 Plymouth Barracuda, 73 Charger SE, 75 D100, 80 Sno-Commander