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trying to download pics but it wont take them.

Started by chargermike, December 16, 2010, 11:13:30 AM

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new to the site and would like to download some pics of my charger. but just not taking them.


You mean "upload" I think. There's nothing in the error logs so I'm not sure what you're doing. If the picture is too large or the name isn't unique then it should display an error to you and write something in the error log on the site. Can you describe the problem you're having?

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


it says picture to large. but it is just one pic. dont know how to make it smaller


tryed to post and it says that it is allready posted


 Yea once you "tried" to post it, you have to rename the picture and try it on a new reply.. I don't know why we have to resize photo's here...It's a pain.

Brock Samson

 Yeah so there's three steps:
  if it's too large you have to reduce it, I'm using 770 size,.
  then it must be renamed AND put in an entirely NEW POST...
  or it will say Already Posted...
  Yes It's a pain that nearly everyone has problems with.   

There are several Postings dealing with this in the Site Suggestions Section of the site, waaaaay at the bottom of the home page... 


 All the other sites I post pic's, I don't have to resize ?  :shruggy:


Quote from: chargermike on December 16, 2010, 11:39:47 AM
it says picture to large. but it is just one pic. dont know how to make it smaller
Hmmm, I still don't see anything in the logs. However, each picture must be smaller than 200 KB. You can use Microsoft Paint (should be loaded already on your computer), a free program like IrfanView, or an image hosting service like ImageShack or Photobucket.

Quote from: ACUDANUT on December 16, 2010, 11:47:01 AM
Yea once you "tried" to post it, you have to rename the picture and try it on a new reply.. I don't know why we have to resize photo's here...It's a pain.
Because I pay the bills? We currently have 18 GB of files in our picture directory and we move about 80 GB across the internet every month. And that's with a limit of 200 KB per picture. Every one of those bytes costs money.

Quote from: ACUDANUT on December 16, 2010, 12:09:42 PM
All the other sites I post pic's, I don't have to resize ?  :shruggy:
Which sites are those? I know and the 70 Registry have limits. I haven't posted anything on Moparts in a long time but they used to have a limit as well. Pretty much any of the Mopar forum sites use the same or similar software so I don't know how they get around it (if they do). I can ask them if I know which ones.

Quote from: Brock Samson on December 16, 2010, 12:01:36 PM
Yes It's a pain that nearly everyone has problems with.   
I'd disagree there. Some people, maybe many, have a problem but it's still a very small amount overall.

I can fix the naming problem as long as people don't abuse it. I can make the allowed file size larger but it will still require a resize for most people (I was checking out digital cameras and it seems like the average is 10-12 megapixels these days). So if you can't figure out how to get it to 200 KB then 400 won't be much different. You guys want to chip in for a commercial forum software and a better server I'm all for it. I'll need about another $700 per year (on top of the $1,800 I'm spending now).

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


we could get sponsers to come aboard and pay those fee's :2thumbs: then everytime you go to post a reply we would have to watch commercials about toothpaste or hemmeroid cream :smilielol: :smilielol: wouldnt that be a pain in the  :moon:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


I understand why you you have it setup the way you do. I appreciate your efforts and have no problem reducing things to save you the server space and bandwidth. :Twocents:


 Troy, if we all contribute money, would that fix this ?  We all could pitch in 5-10 bucks...With all the members here, you could have one heck of a site. :cheers:


I'd be willing to pay my share, the sites I visit ( and both do not require resizing.  I do not post alot of pics here, I don't have a hosting service, and I'm too dumb to resize.  Really, how much would it be? Thanks as always for all you do with this forum, I and all of us, really apreciate it. MPK
Happiness is having a hole in your roof!


I gave up :slap: some one told me I saved them all to big and would need to take all pic off and reload at smaller size  :flame: :flame: hel no !
What the Hell-Dumass !


Yeesh, here's a simple way to post pictures on the internet (not create posters for your wall).

Save pictures from your phone onto your computer and remember where you put them (say a new folder on your desktop called "pictures").

Create another folder in the same place called "small".

Download and install IrfanView.

Open IrfanView.

Using the menu at the top, choose "File" then "Batch Conversion". I don't have the screen in front of me right now but there should be a place asking for the "source" (browse to your "pictures" folder) and a "destination" (browse to your "small" directory). In the image options sections choose "jpg" or "jpeg", set the size to 800x600, and quality to 80. There's a button near the bottom to start the process. You should end up with little tiny copies of all your photos in the "small" folder (while keeping the originals intact in the "pictures" folder ). When posting attachments on the forum just look in the "small" folder.

Now, once you take more pictures with your camera you can repeat the process. IrfanView will remember your settings so you can reuse the same folders. You probably want to move all the previous pictures somewhere else after resizing (like maybe a folders named for the type of picture, location, or date). Now, every time you come home from the garage or a show you can save your pictures on your computer (always a good idea) and resize everything at once.

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


Ok, I found a "mod" that might work but it requires me to upgrade to a version of our software that isn't deemed ready for production. If I kill the site there will be a lot more to complain about. :eek2: I don't think it will but I will have to do some testing and go from there.

Quote from: moparjohn on December 16, 2010, 06:34:58 PM
I'd be willing to pay my share, the sites I visit ( and both do not require resizing.  I do not post alot of pics here, I don't have a hosting service, and I'm too dumb to resize.  Really, how much would it be? Thanks as always for all you do with this forum, I and all of us, really apreciate it. MPK
One of them uses what looks to be a custom forum and the other uses vBulletin which is a commercial product. I used the pricing below.

Quote from: nvrbdn on December 16, 2010, 02:57:37 PM
we could get sponsers to come aboard and pay those fee's :2thumbs: then everytime you go to post a reply we would have to watch commercials about toothpaste or hemmeroid cream :smilielol: :smilielol: wouldnt that be a pain in the  :moon:
Exactly! I love going to a site about a specific model of car and seeing ads for competitors - or totally unrelated products. Sadly, it's probably going to be a reality here in the near future. See below.

Quote from: ACUDANUT on December 16, 2010, 05:13:32 PM
Troy, if we all contribute money, would that fix this ?  We all could pitch in 5-10 bucks...With all the members here, you could have one heck of a site. :cheers:
Let's see...
$1,800 hosting per year X 5.5 years = $9,900 (approximately what I've already spent for hosting alone)
$2,628 upgraded hosting + $195 new forum software = $2,823 (costs for the next year)

We currently show 8,886 members but less than half are probably active. Of those, only 400-600 are what I'd consider regularly active. If half of those contribute ("all" will never happen and half is probably a stretch) then that's 200-300 members supporting the site. That's $9.41 - $14.16 each just for the next year. To cover the total cost of the site plus the next year $42.41 - $63.62 each.

None of this includes the costs of event tents (some of which are donated), banners, T-shirts, and decals. Decals are about the only thing that actually generates a profit - but, so far, I've just now covered the production costs on them.

I suppose I should mention the main reason I don't accept donations or have vendor ads: people who "support" the site tend to expect special treatment. Vendors tend to want anything negative said about them to be "deleted" and members assume the posting rules no longer apply. It's not really worth the hassle. At least ads are steady revenue - donations are very hit-and-miss so you never really know what you've got coming in. In that respect, using generic ad companies (like Google) would keep me from getting locked in to specific vendors and not rely solely on members for support. Payments are automatic so being a bill collector is one less thing I'd have to worry about.

Sorry for the hijack but that's where things stand at this moment.

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.