
Discussion Boards => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Charger Aficionado on October 05, 2005, 12:44:18 PM

Title: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Charger Aficionado on October 05, 2005, 12:44:18 PM
   Well I know this will be a SORE subject, but I thought you all needed to see this...   For all my buddies that say there are no Drastic Changes being made by tokin' on that cancer stick...   I found this when I was trying to help my mother quit smoking, but it's too late now, she has the cancer and it's not stopping...  
  Here is actual proof of what smoking does to you...   These are two IDENTICAL twins, can you guess which one sucks formaldehyde daily?   That crap ROTS you.   Go toss your pack.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Charger_Fan on October 05, 2005, 12:53:17 PM
Looks chopped...there's no way any chick that young would let her teeth get that bad.

I am with ya however, that it does definitely damage people.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: andy74 on October 05, 2005, 12:55:59 PM
ive been smoking 2 packs a day for 10 years,been slowly weaning myself off,down to less than a pack everyother day.if you never smoked,it is alot harder than you think-andy
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: RD on October 05, 2005, 01:06:34 PM
i smoked for 10 years, but quit when my daughter was born.  That was 3 years ago and havent started again.  Andy, your moderation technique of quitting your addiction is not working.  You either quit or you do not.  Cigarettes own you, or you own yourself, there is no in between. just my 2 pennies, hope you quit though.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: 4402tuff4u on October 05, 2005, 01:08:46 PM
Andy, did you realize that you just burned in smoke approx. $ 43,000 in ten years!!! I know you dont need the preaching from a non-smoker or from anyone, but just for the sake of that beatiful baby in your hands, is way worth it to stick around as long as you can. :icon_smile:
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: nh_mopar_fan on October 05, 2005, 01:09:46 PM
I quit cold turkey 7 years ago. You can do it.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: TheGhost on October 05, 2005, 01:10:40 PM
I quit cold turkey about 8 months ago, or so.  However, due to my AWESOME willpower, I picked it back up again a month ago. :-\
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: andy74 on October 05, 2005, 01:20:52 PM
Quote from: 4402tuff4u on October 05, 2005, 01:08:46 PM
Andy, did you realize that you just burned in smoke approx. $ 43,000 in ten years!!! I know you dont need the preaching from a non-smoker or from anyone, but just for the sake of that beatiful baby in your hands, is way worth it to stick around as long as you can. :icon_smile:
thanks guys, i actually am taking a pill that slows the cravings-some shit i got from our doctor.i dont smoke in the house,or in the car when the baby is with me,which has helped me quite a bit.i will be smoke free by the end of october,no matter what-it is a mind game with yourself,and i can spend more money on beer!
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: 4402tuff4u on October 05, 2005, 01:25:59 PM
Andy, we are all behind to quit pal! You'll do it.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Charger_Fan on October 05, 2005, 01:46:58 PM
I'll help ya quit...I got quite good at installing cigarette loads in come of my co-worker's smokes a few years ago. :D

                                                  BOOM!!! :smilielol:
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: JimShine on October 05, 2005, 01:55:35 PM
Yeah, there is some manipulating on that pic. Smoking no doubt is hurtful. I wish I never started.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Old Moparz on October 05, 2005, 02:01:35 PM
My grandmother smoked & ended up with respiratory problems & had to carry oxygen around the last few years she was alive. She did quit cold turkey, but after so many years it was too late to do any good. My father smoked since he was 12 or 13, & over the summer had a minor stroke. He also quit cold turkey, but wants to punch people on a regular basis. (I just chat by telephone now & mail him pictures of cigarettes.) He's got it under control I think. If you can stop smoking it'll be the best thing for yourself & people around you. I never smoked cigarettes even though both my parents & all of my grandparents did. Never liked the taste or the smell, & can't get over what they cost.

Good luck in trying to quit.

Healthy Lung:

Smoker's Lung:
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Silver R/T on October 05, 2005, 02:58:09 PM
Quote from: CHARGER_FAN on October 05, 2005, 12:53:17 PM
Looks chopped...there's no way any chick that young would let her teeth get that bad.

I am with ya however, that it does definitely damage people.

ive seen bad smokers and I believe its possible, especially when one;s smoking like 2 packs a day or more... cigarettes just say NO
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: JimShine on October 05, 2005, 05:53:28 PM
Quote from: Old Moparz on October 05, 2005, 02:01:35 PM
My grandmother smoked & ended up with respiratory problems & had to carry oxygen around the last few years she was alive. She did quit cold turkey, but after so many years it was too late to do any good. My father smoked since he was 12 or 13, & over the summer had a minor stroke. He also quit cold turkey, but wants to punch people on a regular basis. (I just chat by telephone now & mail him pictures of cigarettes.) He's got it under control I think. If you can stop smoking it'll be the best thing for yourself & people around you. I never smoked cigarettes even though both my parents & all of my grandparents did. Never liked the taste or the smell, & can't get over what they cost.

Good luck in trying to quit.

Healthy Lung:

Smoker's Lung:

mmmmm. I am hungry! The smokers lung looks one of my drunken attempts to cook a steak on the grille at 2 am.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: 69bananabeast on October 05, 2005, 06:08:29 PM
my dad had quit for ten years , over the latter half of it my mom bought him a corvette for it. it was an early 90's . It was his 4th corvette and ended up selling it because of insurance like all the others. any way he started up again and been going for 5 years. sometimes you never really quit just prolonging enevitable. its really bad on my dads side half the family is on it . im even at about 4-6 sticks a day . although when im playing pool or working on my car you can blow that number out of the water. I've tryed quiting like 5 times has come through yet. last Spring break I went a week without one so I know I can stop Its just a matter of time and will . In a way though I kinda feel like the only thing that would make me stop is a g/f that demands it. 
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: SeattleCharger on October 05, 2005, 06:11:18 PM
    I love to smoke but I am sad that I like to smoke.   I started around twenty, off and on for next ten years, then since I was thirty I pretty much smoke everyday, also I do chewing tabacco.    If I quite one of them, I do more of the other, so I figure by doing both I am cutting my chances of one of them hurting me by half, weird logic?   sort of, dang, I wish I never started.   I smoke seven or eight a day, sometimes a couple more, but I am pretty hopeless about stopping, congratulations to all that have stopped, amazing, good luck Andy, sounds like you are really trying.   That is great.   For me maybe someday, I know a lot of it is psychological, but the problem is I feel like I have pretty much given up on trying to quit . . .   The weird thing is I quit drinking and smoking green over two years ago and haven't touched them since, but the cigarettes and chew thing, jeez.         
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Badbob on October 05, 2005, 06:17:02 PM
I quit smoking cold turkey 8 years ago last saturday. I quit drugs and alcohol 18 years ago last saturday. The choice is yours.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: MichaelRW on October 05, 2005, 06:37:00 PM
I smoked 1 -2 packs per day for 15 years and then quit cold turkey in 1990. What finally made me decide to quit was simply thinking about what I was doing.

1. I was wasting a lot of money that could be going to far more worthwhile things
2. I was waking up each morning with smokers cough. Yuck!
3. My clothes stunk from smoke.
4. And the most compelling to me at least was.....the fact that I was buying this product made of dried up leaves from some plant that grows in the ground, these leaves are ground up then wrapped in a little piece of white paper, stick the white roll in your mouth, light it up and suck in the smoke. That is absolutely one of the stupidest things one can do.

I used to get 2 or 3 colds a year and get  3 or 4 sties in my eyes per year. Since quitting I have not had even one sty and I get a cold maybe every 2 or 3 years now. The colds I do get are much less severe and go away faster.

Will power, my man, will power.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Khyron on October 05, 2005, 07:12:43 PM
Quote from: Old Moparz on October 05, 2005, 02:01:35 PM

Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: 69bananabeast on October 05, 2005, 07:31:56 PM
awhile back I calculated it up .  buying a pack that costs $3.25 and smoking 5 a day costs $500 a year
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: SeattleCharger on October 05, 2005, 07:39:54 PM
Wow, 3.25, they are about $7.00 a pack here, taxes.     Half a pack a day is $1246.00 a year, ow.   A can of chew is about $9.00 here.   What a waste.     

          Weapons of mass destruction=   a cigarette, 400,000 dead Americans EVERY year, over and over, year after year, but we spend 160 billion on a war to fight terrorists that killed 5000 Americans one time, sort of weird if you look at it that way.     There is a difference, the people killed in the attack didn't have a choice about being there that day, like smokers have a choice about quiting, but how can a U.S. company   make an addictive, deadly product that kills that many of our own citizens every year, crazy.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: TruckDriver on October 05, 2005, 09:59:02 PM
If a Chimp can quit smoking, you guys can too...
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: dart3404 on October 06, 2005, 12:27:25 PM
I quit cold turkey Over 1 year ago. I still want to smoke though :rotz:. It's a nasty, yucky, expensive habit.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Silver R/T on October 06, 2005, 12:50:02 PM
Quote from: AllBlueRT on October 05, 2005, 03:16:00 PM
OM that's nasteee. Like you I never smoked, but my parents and all my aunts and uncles on the one side of the family did. I remember as a kid having to go outside of our house cause it was like a fog bank inside.

That poster chick even grew a mole from smoking. I agree, as pretty as she is, she wouldn't let her teeth get that yellow. Women are too high of maintenance to let that happen.

:cheers: WTG Andy. Problem is if you drink more you'll want to smoke more. At least that's what my buddies used to do.

second hand smoke still very bad for everyone, i really hate when people smoke around me.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Charger Aficionado on October 06, 2005, 08:17:17 PM
Second-hand smoke blows, I mean Sucks...
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: DarkAngel0816 on October 14, 2005, 11:10:58 PM
The last day I had a smoke was June 7, 2004 so it has been over a year.  When I went into the hospital to have my amputation due to a rare form of a bone cancer I knew when I would leave...I would leave as a non smoker.  I kept telling myself that and so far I have not picked it up.  That money is going towards fun stuff my Charger.

Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Chargerguy74 on October 15, 2005, 12:37:01 AM
I'm glad I quit back in grade 9, before the prices doubled.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: dkn1997 on October 15, 2005, 08:27:39 AM
to all you smokers out there.  For a moment, lets put aside the health problems and the cost of the smokes.


Go ahead and kill yourself with them, but don't make me stink along with you.  I live in NY and they don't even allow smoking in bars here.  Thank god!!!  I used to go out all the time and come home stinking like an ashtray because of YOU!!  It got to the point where i would not even wear a coat into a bar because i would stink like your shitbag butts for 3 days after.

Oh, by the way, you are not fooling anybody with the breathmints, gum, cologne, etc.... IT'S ALWAYS ON YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU OWN.  NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, IT'S ALWAYS ON YOU.   You might as well not even shower.  Go ahead and lay in a shit pile, it would actually make you smell better.

I have this thing about smells, in case you did not notice.  It really bothers me when people in public stink like BO.  But even BO is better than you smokers.  The smell thing probably is what kept me from ever getting into smoking when I was a kid.  My disdain for rotten smells overrode my desire to look like a retard with one of those things hanging out of my mouth.





enough already!!  throw the pack in the garbage, grab a bar of soap, and get busy living for christ sake!!!
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: RD on October 15, 2005, 03:33:15 PM
Top 10 Reasons given by my patients NOT to quit smoking

I don't smoke much only one pack per day.  Heavy smoking starts with 1/2 pack per day.  Although any amount of exposure to carcinogens is undesirable, at a 20 pack year history (smoking one pack per day for 20 years, 1/2 pack per day for 40 yrs, etc.) their is a much higher rate of cancer formation.

Tobacco's not bad it's the additives!!  Over 25 carcinogens (chemicals which cause cancer) are in tobacco.  Some additives have imposed significant health risks.  However, the vast majority of the carcinogens are from the tobacco plant and not the factory.

Smoking has had a positive impact on Kansas' Economy.  Life Insurance is twice as much for smokers as for non-smokers, corresponding to the 7 year shorter life span in smokers.  Private health insurance costs 32% more for smokers.  Medicare and Medicaid has no increase in premiums so the cost of smoking related heath care is spread to all consumers.

They chose to smoke, its their right.  80% of smokers started smoking in high school.  The average age in Lyon County is the 8th grade.  Once started few can kick the habit.  The long term quit rate is approximately 3%.

I can quit any time I want to.  Only 3% of smokers quit smoking for good, much lower that alcohol addiction, about the same as heroin.

Alcohol kills more people than smoking, I do not hear this ruckus about alcohol use.  It is true that alcohol consumption is a major health problem in the United States.  It increases the carcinogenic effect of smoking and by itself can be lethal.  However, Smoking kills more people per year than Auto Accidents, HIV, Homicides, Suicides, Alcohol and Drug Abuse COMBINED.  In Kansas during 1998, there were 869 traffic fatalities, 205 alcohol related compared to 3500 lung cancer deaths, 90% which are caused by smoking.

His cancer was not caused by smoking, he quit smoking years ago.  Smoking causes irreversible genetic damage.  Quitting will not improve this.  You do not hear survivors of Love Canal or those exposed to irradiation in childhood, thinking their cancers were not caused by prior exposure to carcinogens.

My grandmother is 90 and she has smoked all of her life--It hasn't hurt her.  As with most things in life nothing is 100%.  But if one applied this logic to drunk driving one would say:  "Driving under the influence of alcohol does not cause accidents because I drove drunk yesterday and did not get in an accident.

I pay for my health insurance.  If I want to smoke it's my business not yours.  The health costs of smoking are not only in health insurance but in costs created by the employee missing work.  The employer also has an increase in his insurance profile and a resultant increase in health care costs.  Many smoking illnesses are severe and during the course of the illness the patient often losses insurance.  In addition, most occur in the elderly and they are on Medicare.  These costs are born by us all.

My "Sinus" condition is worse since I quit smoking.  Thus, smoking did not cause it.  Smoking caused irreversible damage to the lining of the nose.  When one quits smoking nasal secretions may increase for months and because of the damage to the nasal lining, the nose has a reduced capacity to clear them.  Symptoms may worsen for months, but in the long run it is much better to quit smoking now
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: golden73 on October 15, 2005, 04:24:36 PM
I'm too stressed from my job to quit smoking. If I didn't smoke a pack a day I would go insane.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: RD on October 15, 2005, 04:36:46 PM
QuoteI'm too stressed from my job to quit smoking. If I didn't smoke a pack a day I would go insane.

not to bust your nutz, but some would say you are insane for smoking in the first place :D
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: hemihead on October 15, 2005, 04:49:11 PM
I smoke, and I think it is my right to choose to do so just as it is your right not to do so.This is still America,right?I don't smoke where people will whine about it ( I am considerate).I'm not forcing my options or habits on anyone.I suppose some of you anti-smokers would legalize pot which doesn't make any sense.Let's talk about other bad habits.Drinking?You think smoking smells? I just love the smell of stale beer some people reek of.We all have bad habits,so until you can rid yourself of your own bad habits don't talk about someone else's.People in this country should mind their own business and perfect own their lives first.
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: CFMopar on October 15, 2005, 05:22:41 PM
Andy start quitting today. Take your last pack and chuck it. The longer you wait the less time you'll have with your kid.

Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: RECHRGD on October 15, 2005, 06:13:13 PM
I'm 57 and when I was young EVERYONE smoked. My parents, grandparents, their friends, my friends, everybody!  My Grandparents gave me a Zippo lighter with my initials on it for my 18th birthday (I had already been smoking for over 3 years).  You were an oddball if you didn't smoke.  One evening in 1976 (28 years old) we were partying with friends and I noticed that I had a cigarette in my hand and one going in the ashtray as well.  Ashes and smoke littered the whole living room and my two little daughters were running around gleefully breathing in all the garbage.  That was the last time I had a cigarette.  I buried my mother (lost Dad in '76) a couple of years ago due to lung cancer at the age of 79.  That may seem like a ripe old age to many, but most of the (non-smoking) females in her family had lived well into their nineties.  She was in denial up to the day she died that cigarettes had anything to do with her cancer.  She went as she lived.  A smoke and cocktail before bed, dead by 1:00AM.  Do all you can to quit!!!!  It should be much easier these days than in my time as the acceptance of the habit has turned 180 degrees.    Bob
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: RD on October 15, 2005, 06:21:32 PM
Quote from: hemihead on October 15, 2005, 04:49:11 PM
I smoke, and I think it is my right to choose to do so just as it is your right not to do so.This is still America,right?I don't smoke where people will whine about it ( I am considerate).I'm not forcing my options or habits on anyone.I suppose some of you anti-smokers would legalize pot which doesn't make any sense.Let's talk about other bad habits.Drinking?You think smoking smells? I just love the smell of stale beer some people reek of.We all have bad habits,so until you can rid yourself of your own bad habits don't talk about someone else's.People in this country should mind their own business and perfect own their lives first.

I stated those posts because I just care about those that smoke and how it will kill them.  I put forth that information so you can be an informed consumer, instead of one that has been misinformed in regards to the severity of cigarettes and tobacco in general (this goes to all those dippers out there too!).  I just do not want you to die because of something that is so blatantly preventable.

I do not advocate marijuana smoking.

I do not drink beer everyday, every week, or every month.  I may have a cold one once every 6 months and then I stop at 2 or 3.  I like the taste of beer, but I know what it does to people, mainly myself.  Yes, everyone who drinks a 6 pack of beer a day should quit, that is not healthy either.

It is not about my bad habits versus yours, if your bad habit did not affect the other millions out there when it comes to increased health care costs and how that is passed on to EVERY consumer, then I would say go ahead! Smoke till your lungs turn black and you die a painful death of wheezing while you are on an O2 machine asking yourself why in the hell you didnt quit sooner.  But that is just not the only reason.  I personally do not want you to be the above.  It is not fair to you or your loved ones. If you do not do it for yourself, do it for those who love you and care about you.

I do not want to start a pissing contest with you, but I just would like for you to see it from another objective is all.  I have seen it from your vantage point and I used to say the same things you do now, but I quit.  I did it for my daughter, my wife, my family, my dodgecharger family (props out to you all) and myself.

If you cannot find any reason to quit, then just do it for yourself.  That is the best reason out there.  :icon_smile:
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: dkn1997 on October 16, 2005, 09:31:31 AM
Quote from: hemihead on October 15, 2005, 04:49:11 PM
I smoke, and I think it is my right to choose to do so just as it is your right not to do so.This is still America,right?I don't smoke where people will whine about it ( I am considerate).I'm not forcing my options or habits on anyone.I suppose some of you anti-smokers would legalize pot which doesn't make any sense.Let's talk about other bad habits.Drinking?You think smoking smells? I just love the smell of stale beer some people reek of.We all have bad habits,so until you can rid yourself of your own bad habits don't talk about someone else's.People in this country should mind their own business and perfect own their lives first.

I have plenty of bad habits, but smelling is not one of them.  Unfortunately, you smelly smokers have to stink me out on line at the grocery store, at work, at PTA meetings, and practically everywhere else where one has to interact with the public.

I would be glad to mind my own business when you stop SMELLING!!!
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: Steve P. on October 16, 2005, 11:26:14 AM
So you non-stinkers think it's JUST THAT SIMPLE. I quit about a year ago with Jen. (Glad you are making it Jen).. I was doing very well with it until one day the shit hit the fan.. Having a crooked cop in my face telling me he was taking my DAUGHTER to jail didn't go over very well with me.. I have been smoking again since..

So you hate the smell of smoke, Change channels........ I hate guns. They kill many also. Many of you NON-STINKERS have them and I don;t give you shit about it!!

I think SOME tattoos are gross and ridiculous.. I've seen them on some of you.. It bothers my eyes and turns my stomach.. Have I jumped all over you??  I don't think so...

I hate loud, open pipe motorcycles.. A few of you have them as well.. I change the channel...

I get choked by some perfumes and colognes.. I don't blast off every time I think someone STINKS!!

Last I checked we are still in some what of a free country..  I did my time to keep OUR liberty.. If you can't take it when I do something that it is my RIGHT to do. Change the channel............  If you are offended by me speaking my mind you are probably one of the people that makes me CHANGE THE CHANNEL... 

I will quit smoking one day. It will be when I want to.. I don't smoke in the house. Nor do I smoke at others peoples houses.. If it's on me, CHANGE THE CHANNEL............
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: BigBlockSam on October 16, 2005, 11:27:14 AM
i don't smoke but this thread is making me want to light up.    :nono:
Title: Re: Need a reason to quit smoking?
Post by: hemihead on October 16, 2005, 11:28:22 AM
Sorry but I don't stink and if I did so what? It is my right to do so.If you don't like it you can do otherwise.Maybe I don't care for the smell of your cologne?What is next on the witch hunt list?You don't like my religion?The books I read?My political party I belong to?People need to stop being a bunch of wusses, quit crying about every little thing that bothers them.Didn't your parents tell you you can't get everything you want?
mind your own business and grow up. ;)