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John Schneiders 69 Charger needs help.

Started by JumpTraveler, May 16, 2013, 04:54:23 PM

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Quote from: skip68 on May 17, 2013, 01:05:08 AM
OK Fred.   Just no more Australian pickle tricks.   Me and stroker aren't falling for that one again.   

Ok mate, I'll keep the lid on tight.  :icon_smile_big:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Hey fred do you ever come across any Ford Falcon GT (Police Interceptors) down under?  Heard after the huge flood a few years ago they are impossible to obtain or priced around 100K can you confirm or deny?


Much better way of handling things   :2thumbs:  How about some pix of the car while you're at it?  Just make sure they're under 200kb and have a very unique name.


Quote from: JumpTraveler on May 17, 2013, 01:19:08 AM
Hey fred do you ever come across any Ford Falcon GT (Police Interceptors) down under?  Heard after the huge flood a few years ago they are impossible to obtain or priced around 100K can you confirm or deny?

What year are you talking about here? These days all interceptors are GM cars at least in the state of Vic.  I myself had a 91 model for about 10 years. Boy, that thing took off like a Leah jet.

A friend of mine sold his 71XY GT HO Falcon (in mint condition) for $400k 2 years ago.   There's big money to be made. Some of them are fetching in excess of $500k

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Holy smokes. Yes the Mad Max Falcons..half a million dollars I almost fainted...Not that much PBJ in the world..I saw one in NY restored very smart looking cars. If you rember Virginia Hey she was in Alien Armegedon with me and I did a great interview with Vernon Wells who played the Red Mohawk biker in Road Warrior..HUGE FAN..wish we had real Vict beer here..Our Fosters is good but not the real deal...Ill post pictures of Traveler tomorrow I have horrible reception in the hotel Im staying in NY and it takes FOREVERRRRRR to upload.


Quote from: Fred on May 17, 2013, 12:02:01 AM
I'll thankyou not to send me any PM's.
If you've got something to say to me fell free to share it in this thread.

OK sorry about that.
Did you see the doctor about the rash you got from doing the pickle trick? And how's the drooling. I told you not to lick that kangaroo with the blister no mater how much lipstick you were wearing. Feel better.

P.S Don't let Skip & Stroker know about this. They won't invite you for cream.


 Holy crap guys, do you know what this means?    I am psychic.     :rofl:

Skip!!! You spelt Psychotic wrong again. You have spell check. Use it. OK.You'll be just fine.


O!!!  And Jump Traveler This is not a good place to fund a film. I'm still waiting on getting paid for filming Skip, Fred and Stroker A few years back. I'm not going to get into what I was filming because I'm still going to therapy for it, but I can say that Bull was not impressed.


The PM's are strong with this one, they are.  :yesnod:

Like others have suggested if you're looking for stuff the best thing is to put an ad in the classifieds here.
Restoring one of these cars is NOT cheap, and you're finding that out the hard way. No offense, but the tone of your posts sounds like a charity case.
I wonder if Mark Worman handled it this way?  :scratchchin:  :shruggy:    Oh wait, he has sponsors.

BTW Skippy, I always knew you were psychotic.  :cheers:  :lol:
"Strive for perfection in everything. Take the best that exists and make it better. If it doesn't exist, create it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough." Sir Henry Rolls Royce


 :flame:    WTF!    I wake up and this threads still here? ???      Honestly, I think you should've asked the owner of the site if you could solicit funding here before posting.   His name is Troy and I'm sure he'll be happy to help you.     In fact, if Troy helps you with funds I'll help also.       :popcrn:   Or, do what the rest of us Charger lovers do...... work and save and build as funds allow.   If it takes 5 years then it takes 5 years......or 10.    We've got several GOOD members here that need help and I'd help them first.       

God Bless..................
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


WOW..Thank all of you for such great responces. I actually stayed up all night and found a donor Charger and Im having Crazy Jack review it before I spend anymore money BUT I will say this if anyone needs parts after I liberate what I need for Traveler I will be more than happy to help anyone that needs parts at no cost or cheap...I didnt buy this car as an investment but as an extention of myself...I love 69 Chargers more than anything on this planet except my daughter of coarse...and IIve been down some rough roads with these cars..but my passion drives me and I just know I was meant to do this. Again I think its IMPORTANT that people coming into this need to be educated as to properly restoring these cars and NO ONE I have met or known in my 45 years knows more about these cars then Crazy Jack Struller and I know that filming him and his car warriors team restoring Traveler is not only historic but educational. Thank you all again God Bless


OK, I just got done reading your website.  So you are doing this and I quote "to fulfill John S's dream by restoring this car"   OK, then are you giving him this car?    I bet not.   Sounds like you are fulfilling your dream using his name.  Just saying what it looks like.
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Okay let me explain what it IS so there is no mistaking. JRS filmed a DVD which you can buy on his website and the DVD is entitled Good Bye Traveler..Now unless you have a rea emotional attachment which JRS does to a car you dont shoot videos..In the video he and I quoted HOPED TO RESTORE TRAVELER AND BRING HIM BACK FOR COLLIER AND CO SEQUEL....JRS funded the entire film at 4.000.000 and when the dust settled it broke his heart as the film was suppose to be on lifetime and didnt make the cut SO the car sat in a barn for 7 years until I bought it and I restore it and would and did I offer the car to JRS for the sequel 100 I did BUT not in the Jump capacity as the pcture car was Bos General Lee which he sold at Barrett by me restoring the car fullfill his dream? YUP Will the car be available to him anytime he needed it YUP..So thank you for taking the time to read the website as long as its been up JRS has had no problem with it he just got frustrated by people that DONT READ assuming he was looking for film funding..So thanks for trying to put me on blast but I have nothing to hide and my intentions have ALWAYS been honorable.     


and why would I have to use JRS name to fullfill a dream?  I dream pretty big and my godfather has been in over 400 films and Im a working actor had the number one radio show date actresses and top models. Im on walking dead and Star Trek into Darkness why Skip would I need JRS to full my dream?  My best friend won Car Warriors Challenger build off and DONATED his skills to restoring Traveler. Wait you dont think Im some back roader that doesnt do anything but pipedream about being something someday do you? OMG Skip you might have me mixed up with someone else. I have a life and a good acting career I dont need to latch on to ole Bo Duke but people embrase him and thats cool as he is very gifted and desereves everything he has..but Ive never been one to LATCH ON sorry.


OK, sorry for the confusion.    It's just that there are people out there that try conning others on the web all the time.    I'm sure you can understand that.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Not just on the web a former Dukes of Hazzard actor conned me out of almost 58000 and the entire cast and Sam Jones (Flash Gordon) came to my side even Ben Jones wife MMMrs Alma told me the guy was bad news and NOT invited to any Dukes events..I really wish you guys knew me better IIIve never asked anyone for anything I really swallowed my pride asking for Charger help and trust me JRS fans LOVE the fact this car was saved and Im restoring it.  Chris Mayer who was like a brother to me portrayed Vance Duke was so sick that he had trouble even pouring a glass of water he was so weak I spent days on his couch helping him feeding him and evntually he died and he had died with 7 dollars to his name. I never asked him for anything and if you look at my memoriam link on save travler i filmed and posted the memorial service and I was lucky to spend time with Big Willy before he died NOT because of what he had but what he stood for...Some people dont like me but my heart has always been in the right place.


Thanks for your passion in the hobby and for those that were in the Dukes of Hazzard :cheers:  It's nice to see someone taking a head on lead on projects like this.  You'll have to excuse Skip.  We all do  :lol: :icon_smile_wink:  There have been numerous people come on here trying to solicit funds and scam people.  I don't believe you are one of these types of people.

Glad to hear you found you another car.  Hope it works out for you.  What condition is Traveler in right now?


I have to ask you just one more thing....  
You said John S is aware of this correct?   Is he endorsing this or donating?   If not, why?  ???   If it's his dream to see this car brought back to life yet won't endorse it or donate then why should anyone else?    I'm NOT trying to be rude, just trying to understand it better.   If this is all legit then I wish you the best.    :cheers:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


I dont mind at answering questions. First I never saw Collier and Co until after I got the car I wasnt aware this was the JUMP CAR I had only seen stills. I actually got a call on Dec 7 from this guy Ari in Maryland and he says I HAVE YOUR CAR meaning my General Lee and afer a year of heart ache I didnt really want to live through it again BUT he made it clear he wanted me to have the car back at 20.000 but he was in Maryland and I was in San Diego I said let me get a flight to NY Ill grab my cousin and drive to Marilyn and get my car back. Got off the plane turned my phone on and got a TEXT that read NOT SELLING THE CAR and didnt answer the phone just blew me off.   Checked my VM and it was from a guy in Seattle named Mike he said he got my name from a friend and was wondering if I wanted JRS Charger from the film...I called him right back and he told me that if I wanted the car he had to be that day as two guys from Iowa wanted it...SO I turned around in Laguardia airport and landed in Seattle at 4am  Crazy Jack told me to call him when I get there to do a walk through on the car. I looked at the bill of sale confirmed the car was JRS and Jack said BRING THAT CAR HERE. So in a 20 hour period I flew 12000 miles and make an already long story short. Jack and an appraiser went over the car for 6 hours and found NO RUST NO FRAME DAMAGE JRS had frame rails the length of the car and a 8 point roll cage when the car was jumped in luckily landed in a sand bar the front valance the sway bar and passenger side ball joint. Bought a new valance and the car is SOLID. NO INTERIOR and smashed grill.


Second Part..When I got the car I contacted JRS personally asking were his intentions to turn it into a Genaral Lee or Traveler his responce was Traveler...NOW since working in the entertainment industy if I know you or not I ALWAYS ALWAYS called the agent or attorney or manager so I called Michael Gursey JRS agent and his agent told me JRS wants 15000 to get involved in a film project and Im like WOW okay so I called and Hired BREET POPWELL who worked directly with JRS on Collier and Co and told me this. JRS is all about show me the money and that JRS was and is going to get involved in the project when it gets a little farther along and that JRS has heard so much lip service living in LA and I do agree that most people in LA are full of shit.  NOW when I originally set up the gofundme page JRS was getting BOMBARDED with emails and calls as why he needed money for this car and JRS got mad he had to keep answering the same quetion when i CLEARLY said JRS does no longer own the car and the money was for filming..But NOT ONE PERSON that contacted JRS bother to read the site but jump to a very harsh conclusion. So we are still in the embreo stage and making progress daily.


"Strive for perfection in everything. Take the best that exists and make it better. If it doesn't exist, create it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough." Sir Henry Rolls Royce


Ive never had a problem being upfront and honest EVER I just hope this is a legit interest in a very special car and not some internet guys trying to put me on blast or try to expose me somehow. I learned to back up every claim and everything I ever say because lets face it there are a LOT of haters out there that dont want to see people make it in this world because they cant or to lazy to.  This project is important to me for a bunch of reasons but more than anything I needed closure after being scammed and loosing my dream car but the bonus is I get to work with one of the most brilliant mopar people on the planet and share this car and project with the fans...To many times collectors buy a car and no on ever sees it again.  I knew at the age of 12 I was going to be a Charger owner and at 45 I know Im going to die someday but there will be a 69 in my garage.  Im very unique even got called stupid by Fred but not to many TRUE fans would sacrifice what I have from the 3 month food rashin to flying 12000 miles there is nothing I wouldnt sacrifice for these cars (within a certain reason) I have a tshirt that reads BUY A 69 Charger BEFORE YOUR TO OLD TO UNDERSTAND.



"ENGLISH M-f-er.....DO YOU SPEAK IT?!!!!

best quote of all time! (pulp fiction)

Sorry, I had to do it,


Quote from: bill440rt on May 17, 2013, 01:11:10 PM
My head hurts...

My wince muscles are sore. But I can't stop coming back to look. Like how we slow hoping to get a good look at a bad accident.