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What cops want the public to know:

Started by Wakko, August 04, 2006, 10:02:36 AM

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dodge freak

That one I like. Yes you can BS your way out sometimes but its not easy.


I'm personally glad there's cops around. I for one, would not be able to restrain myself if I happened upon a child molestation case or something equally horrid. Even if I didn't have a gun, there would be somebody staked down to a fireant hill with honey poured over their eyes and their testicles stuffed down their throat. The same can be said for those soldiers who happen across scenes of atrocities. The scene (that seems like such a wrong word for something that actually happened) where that one fat German baker was screaming at the GIs who were taking bread for the oncentration camp victims in Band of Brothers is one where I'd have tossed the fat bastard out the window, and then shot him.

So I thank God there are people like Wakko, my two uncles who are cops now, and the myriad of soldiers, police, and firemen who deal with things such as that. Because I doubt I could handle it without going insane.
For every good man that is born, another good man must die.  Yet somehow the
factory keeps pumping out losers and we have no idea how to get rid of them.

SuBLimE 69

azraelck, Do you mind coming down and speaking to my sarge the next time I get a use of force complaint.... :icon_smile_tongue:

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !

Mike DC

I've had the whole range of treatment from cops, including few cases of rediculously bad treatment that weren't warranted at all.  And there was at least one time where I was totally spared a trip to the pen.   

But my cop experience is mostly just a slow, stready stream of forgettable traffic tickets for crap like going 46 in a 35 zone.  In those cases I blame the municipalities more than the actual officers writing the tickets. 

(Straight, flat, four-lane roads that are 25 yards wide, two full breadown lanes, with 4-foot-high concrete barriers on either side and in the center, being driven in 5000-pound V8-powered  SUVs with airbags & microprocessor-controlled antilock brakes . . . and a 40 mph speed limit that's strictly enforced for our "safety."  Only in suburban America.)


dodge freak

Oh I know-these 35-45mph zones are a joke, its the same or slow speeds that were around in the 50's when cars had drum brakes and crappy tires. 50-60 mph is what they should be. Theres a town 10 miles from my house- Dearborn its called,home of Ford Motor Com.-its loaded with 35 mph zones and the cops ticket like crazy. The court house is brand new, cost millions to build and it shows, how do you think the town came up with the money.

The big joke is, in spite of all the tickets cops write up 41,000 people still die on the road every year for the last 10 years. 41,000 lives lost every year, thats no good, wish somebody could get that # down, way down.

Steve P.

I've never had much luck with cops. When I owned repair shops in Upstate, NY. I knew many of them and never had any trouble at all. I have had a few very raw dealings over the years.

One lying bastard cost me my drivers license when I was 18. Another in Malone, NY gave me a speeding ticket as I was shifting into second gear just coming off a red light. (He was just stopping at the red light to my right). I wrote the judge explaining my side with a picture drawing out the entire ordeal. The Judge sent me back a letter nearly 2 months later telling me he knew he has a problem with a few deputies and he apologised for that. Then in the next sentence he explained that he suspended my license for 24 hours. The suspended was the day before he wrote the letter. I should have framed it. Years later, I was changing my NY license to a Florida license and they cut up my NY license. Then told me I could not get a FDL due to a warrent for my arrest.  :scared: HUH?? ?? Longer story short, it seams some guy in Malone, NY had just left court pretty pissed off. He went out to the parking lot, poured gas all over his pick-up truck. Then lit it up and drove it into the court house..  It burned like hell and took out some of the records with it. The (ODD) part is that it burned the letter from the judge and DID NOT burn the ticket. :icon_smile_angry: 

Many years later I was stopped at a stop sign at the end of my 6 house street. It was 7:35 AM. on a Saturday. I had removed my seat belt to un-twist it while stopped. It just so happened that a cop was out of his cruiser getting a newspaper from a paper box across from me. He saw me un-twisting my belt and putting it on. I clicked it in and made my left turn onto the next little road in our village. Next thing you know I see his lights on and I am getting a ticket. :flame: :flame: :flame: He said he saw me playing with the belt and saw me put it on. I explained, he didn't give a Chit!! I forget if it was $25.00 or $50.00. It could have been fifty cents and I would still be pissed. What an ass......  The major pisser is that he saw my (Veterans Village Security Patrol), magnetic signs in the back seat that I left in there from the night before, and he thanked me for volunteering for (HIS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH)...............
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Quote from: SuBLimE 69 on August 07, 2006, 05:59:12 PM
A few of the better speeding excusses I heard Sunday and Monday ( I never ask why they were speeding but they always seem to tell me)...I wrote them down just for this thread.

Speeder: I'm late for church, I sinned the whole damn week so I really need to get there quick.  (Warning Issued)

Speeder: I'm late for my Kemo appointment.
Me:  Where is that located ?
Speeder:  I forgot the address.
Me:  What's the street name ?
Speeder: Dunno
Me: What's your doctor's name ?
Speeder:  Umm, Uhh....
Me: You don't have cancer do ya man....?
Speeder:  No Sir.
Me: Thats pretty low man, are you going to church ? (was wearing nice clothes)
Speeder:  Yes Sir, I was just running late.
Me:  You might want to consider dropping a few extra bucks in the offering plate. Its gonna take awhile to pay off that last lie.
Speeder:  Yes, Sir.  (Ticket)

Speeder:  I know I was speeding but I am in a hurry to get to court.
Me:  Traffic Court ?
Speeder:  Ya, My license is suspended for to many points and Marijuana Possession.
Me: Nice, I quess you know what comes next.
(arrested him and then located almost a half pound of weed in a back pack....with his supeona for court)
Those are hilarious! :smilielol:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)