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EUREKA! I found It!

Started by Brock Samson, August 24, 2007, 03:11:40 PM

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472 R/T SE

Quote from: Brock Samson on August 27, 2007, 02:46:31 PM
one thing im kinda' curious about is why more DC.COM members didn't show?.. cause at the top of this thread folks claim to not even know what I was posting in regards to,.. this CHARGER REGISTREY MEET has been in the works for at least six mos. and there's been a few threads both here and in events,.. so with all the members in the pacific north west i figgured a few of you would show... but not one peep,.. after all it was held near the Ore border so you guys wouldn't have to schlep too far...
other folks drove from as far away as Texas but only four members made it...
   So what's up with that?..  :shruggy:

Quote from: Argos_Chargers on August 29, 2007, 12:23:01 AM
I just got back from Eureka this evening.  Sunbust is the same every year...yeah, yeah, yeah, I know...the swap meet.   Wjat y'all missed besides an incredible time and some great new friends was a red '66 hemi 4 spd Charger that hadn't had an engine since 1982.  Lynn, the owner, cranked hard to get the ORIGINAL engine and tranny back in the car for Eureka.  The first time the car saw pavement was for a brief scoot on Wednesday afternoon, yet it was there to meet us in Coos Bay on Friday.   Hmmm, I wonder how much more exciting all of the same old cars at Sun Bust are compared to that.  I guess you're right.  A totally unknown '66 hemi 4-spd is jsut WAY too lame to waste your time on.  By the way, Lynn didn't trailer the car.  He said that cars are for driving (what a novel concept).  I'll post some pics when I have the time. 

Sorry for the sarcasm, but the attitudes displayed just drug it out of me.  Who needs new friends and experiences, right Dave?


Simmer down there Beevis.  Atttitude?, Brock is the one who was carrying on about how he couldn't figure out why more NW DC folks weren't there.  I take that as a poke towards folks like me and stated the obvious and that is...Sunbust has been the same date for a couple years now and I just can't understand how the Registry folks didn't take that into consideration.  Or did they?  How is that attitude?  ::)  And does it really matter what I think?

You don't see me on here crying about how more northern Ca. or NW DC folks didn't show up at the meet.  :shruggy:

Same old cars at Sunbust?  Really?  Were you there? 
Every year I go to Seattle it's a new experience and I make new friends.  There's just some that I question now.   :idiot:


I would have really loved to go to this, but my family situation is such that something 10 hours away is not practical for me.

I would love to help if it was closer.

I could put the resources into this that, I currently put onto the DC-com meet.

Just a thought.
68 Charger 383 HP grandma car (the orignal 3X)

Brock Samson


I was just wonderin' cause the reason it was held there way up in Eureka Cal. was for the Northern states (Ore. Wash.) and Canadians benefit. It wasn't a one day show it was a two day Charger meet, with a cruise, and i added in the nostalgia drags which i hadn't planned on and didn't even know about prior to Sat. Midnight... It all worked out great though, folks came from Canada, Oregon, Texas and i forget where Mike (Blue Pentastar) is from, but it's long ways off...
there was a large contingent of Racers from Ashland Ore. at the Samoa drags BTW.

I wasn't "carrying on" i just asked a simple question politely (or so I thought)  :shruggy:  you can let me know if you think i needed to rephrase it but i don't see where any modification is needed,...
  However, on the other hand, I too get the "attitude" from both your posts. I didn't see you post anything about any conflict  in the thread to that effect when this meet was first proposed/posted, way back , last Oct 20th... so yes, the tone of your posts definitly seem rather trite and belligerent to me too...
but hey, it's all good.  :pity:

  I just thought more folks would attend this first ever western states Charger Registry meet.
You have any pics from this Sunburst show?..

472 R/T SE

Quote from: 472 R/T SE on August 27, 2007, 03:14:48 PM
Tacoma, Washington's Mopars Unlimited annual Sunbust show is the Show for the Northwest folks this past weekend.  It's too bad the Registry folks couldn't have taken that into consideration when planning?  :shruggy:  I know there were a lot of DC Chargers there yesterday.  :thumbs:,24989.0.html

I put the " :shruggy:" in after my questioning of the date as to not be meant as negative (or so I thought).  That thread is not intended attitude on my part,(or so I thought), just couldn't figure out why the planners didn't get a schedule for the regions big shows, especially Mopar, especially the best All Mopar Show in the NW.   It was nothing different than what I said face to face to Argo June 3rd so why he or you think I showed attitude and drug a sarcastic response out of him now is beyond me. 
How's that for trite?

I would like to attend one of the Charger Registry Meets and was bummed out to miss the ones that were up in NW Washington for a couple years.  But I was still working back then and would have had to take off work for yet another show.   
There was a '69 Super Bee there Sunday freshly put back together by a 19 year old.  That alone made the trip worth it for me.  I only have about a dozen pix and they were cars in my vicinity that I hadn't seen before, was hoping someone started a thread I could dog pile my pix into since I didn't take a bunch.  Or you can go here to see some of the ones Hemi Jack & I took:



The meet made us a little passionate.  I am not nocking Sunbust.  Every year I go, I have a great time.  I guess I really am up for "different" experiences.  I think I was upset by those who cited Sunbust as the reason they didn't attend, as opposed to time and money.  The trip took a lot of time and money, if anyone was lacking in either driving from the northwest is unreasonable. 

I know that I can't explain the TDC experience in Eureka.  If you were there, you understood.  Eureka wasn't a "car show".  There was a little showing off the cars, but that was only a part of the whole experience.  The date was set so that Silas would be ready, so that I could make it and so that Wayne might be able to attend.  Trying to put all three of those things together put a real limit on the time slots we had.  Even at that, things don't always go as planned...

Please, pardon my passion.  For those who don't "get" it, they need to be there to understand, and a trip usually doesn't seem worth it until you "get" it.  Sort of a catch 22, one that I try to pull people out of.  On top of that, those who know me know how much I love to drive my Chargers...when I have the time and money, I will almost always choose the road trip

While I did mean to make some people think about the value of spending time at Sunbust as opposed to going to Eureka, I really didn't mean to ruffle feathers or to turn this into a flame thread.  After all, we are all one in our love for Chargers.

MoPar -- The only way to fly!

Brock Samson

here's a related thread that seems to have gotten lost, waaaay down there....,33092.0.html


     I had an unexpected suprise that weekend, my mom, roommate, and I took the weekend off to go see the big trees south of Eureka (knowing nothing about the Charger meet) when I saw three chargers driving North on 101 on our way to the trees. I didn't see any more Chargers that day, so I didn't think too much about it. The next morning we went to eat at the Samoa Cookhouse and Low and Behold there was a whole parking lot of Chargers  :icon_smile_big:. If I knew there was going to be a Charger meet I would have brought my '67 instead of my truck, the funny thing is that I was going to bring it but decided not too because my mom talked me out of it because of the "Creature Comforts" of my 06 Dodge. But it was nice to meet all of you and see all of the cool Chargers (let alone an original Hemi car and an original owner car), and now that I know about this site i'll be sure and make it to any future meets that are going on around California. If there's another meet anywhere in the Northwest make sure and email me so I can make it. I'll have to get some pictures of my Charger on here this week.


 :wave: Welcome to the site and feel free to post some pics

Brock Samson

   :wave: Glad ya' made it over, welcome!  :cheers:


We look forward to seeing your '67 next year, wherever we are!!

Welcome to the site!!
MoPar -- The only way to fly!

Blue Pentastar

I finally made it home late Thursday night. I had a great time great meeting everyone again. I wish I could have stayed for Sunday morning but had to get to LA. to pick up a car for Wayne.

By the way Brock I still have your gas can you left Sat night before I could give it to you. I was half way to LA before I realized it Sunday. Sorry do you want me to reimburse you for it? It would cost more to send it than it is worth.
So I could send you a check easier if you pm me with an address.

Mike Schrader
69 Charger White Hat Special  
04 Chrysler 300M Special
99 Ram 3500 Dually Diesel

Brock Samson

naw man, concider it a souvenir...

Thanks for your help,.. I really enjoyed meeting everyone... can't wait for the next one.  :2thumbs: glad you made it home safe and sound.

Blue Pentastar

OK But all things being equal I would have rather had the car as a souvenir and gave you the gas can. Ha Ha

It was great to have met you and the others from out there and look forward to the next opportunity to get together.

Mike Schrader
69 Charger White Hat Special  
04 Chrysler 300M Special
99 Ram 3500 Dually Diesel


Hey Mike...did you get any pictures of the '69 you picked up for Wayne?  What condition was it in? 

It was great to see you there.  As much as I wanted to see your Charger, I'm glad you made it without the car!  Not to mention the fact that I wouldn't have been as comfortable sitting on the trunk of your car in th eredwoods as I was sittting on your tailgate.  Hopefully I'll make a show in th emidwest next year.  Look forward to seeing you there!

MoPar -- The only way to fly!

Brock Samson

 I redid all the pics inna new folder which has greatly reduced the wait times when resiszing so here are some more pics, hope you like...

Brock Samson


Brock Samson

met Jon W. at the Meet, here's some pics of his pride and joy... maybe he will log on here some time..  :shruggy:

Brock Samson


Brock Samson

some more of Argo's 70..

Brock Samson

this freshly restoed '68 showed up for an hour, had some nice details like the highback bukets recovered in a '68 pattern,.. i know that's been discussed here but i have never seen it before...

Brock Samson


Brock Samson

here's some more from the cruise Sat...

Blue Pentastar

Yeah I got some shots of it but I had to use a disposable camera. So the pictures might be a couple of weeks to process my wife has to shoot a couple of more to finish the roll.

By the way it will be worth the wait it wasn't just a 69 charger but one of the stunt cars from the 2005 movie. It's last filming was jumping onto the freeway from the catapult.

It was pretty cool if you like that sort of thing.

Mike Schrader
P.S. I did not know it was a general Lee until I got there to pick it up and uncovered it.
69 Charger White Hat Special  
04 Chrysler 300M Special
99 Ram 3500 Dually Diesel


I have never met any people like the people who have a charger. the best people in the world. :2thumbs:

Brock Samson

That would be Jon.. logging in for the first time...  :2thumbs:   :wave:  Hey Jon!!!  welcome to the best site on the web!