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Usually don't post this but.....

Started by Cooter, July 11, 2013, 07:21:45 AM

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Looks like it's kinda 'dead' round here lately so I figured you'd get a kick out of the 'Jerry Springer' episode that is my life in the past 6 months.
First off, I worked beside my current boss man at another shop. I knew he was a royal beeeyotch and figured since he called me, agreed to pay the hell outta me, I could make it work. Well, I was wrong. As of this writing, I'm looking for a freakin job again. Getting really tired of this moving round every 3-6 years bullsh*t. Anyway, a little bit of why I'm moving on. About 6 months ago, he decides out of the blue to get drunk on the clock and come to work staggering around. Then, if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he decides his 'wee-wee' wasn't poking out enough and takes a customers 4WD 1977 Ford truck out on the 'back forty' and runs it out of gas, gets it stuck between two trees, and cranks battery down trying to start it with no fuel. I let this one ride thinking about the money. Then, bout 2 months back, he decides for whatever reason to install a 'kill' switch on the Computer internet (Which was my only escape during lunkch and before work with my morning coffee), and turns it off. Ok, no problem, let it ride.

Then, last week, he decides to send the only other guy home for a day (Which when your on salary, they can send you home all they want, but if they try to take his pay, he was going to labor board), and uses this guys Tools while he's not there. BIG mistake. It backfired, as the next morning, he comes in and asks "Hey Coot, where's my Light at?" I'm thinking...."Hmmmm, I didn't use it yesterday, but I DID hear boss man saying he was gonna just use it because it was closer"....So, I ask boss man If he used the light. I got a FIRM "NO! I didn't use his light and I didn't lose it neither". Well, right away I know this is a lie.
So, I call the customer that has the trailer he was working on, and asked if he'd could do me a favor and take a peek under it and see if a magnet light was stuck to the frame rails near where the boss was working. Sure enough, it was and he said he'd bring it back. Well, I figured that was the end of it. No......

Customer just has to call the office person and let them know when he's bring back the light "We" left under his trailer. You can guess how the boss responded after exclaiming how he didn't use it nor lose it. So, after all but being completely busted, he begins to tell the other guy how "Hey, I hear you found your light?"

Other Guy looks at me and damn near busts out laughing, but I can see his blood press. was getting up at that point. He says "Yeah, it was under a trailer for some reason???"
Boss man looks Right at him and I swear this is what I hear next...."Well, "WE" musta used it and [Office person] paid you half of the price of a new one, so that one will just be my light"......(Meanwhile the light AND battery was around $100.00)....All this after exclaiming how he NEVER touched it......

So, last night I cannot wait to get the hell outta there. I lock my toolbox when I go on Vac. Well, the other guy decides that's a good idea and locks his box too.
Sure nuff, I get a call last night asking why I locked my box, as boss was just gonna 'use a 7/16" wrench and it was locked'. I'm thinking at this point my box has been community box for some time now when I do not lock it. I also bout 3 weeks ago came in to find my chain cutter wrench for cutting exhaust pipe broken mysteriously.

I have had no less than 4 customers in the last 4 months, either call me or come up to me and ask if Boss man had/has been drinking as they can smell it on his breath.
They tend to put two and two together and begin to beg the question ' I wonder if he's driving customers cars while drinking?'

He does. We had a really nice guy drop off his 1995 5.0 Mustang for a running problem yesterday. Well, in boss man fashion, there he goes up the road raw dogging the poor guys car. Then, comes back to the shop and commences to tell me to 'Wring it out' and see what I think. I refuse to beat on other people's property. With Shows like Dateline NBC and the like today, and those little small cameras, it is too easy to bust someone. I mean, the public already does NOT like Auto Techs already.

Anyway, I hope my little tid bit of bullsh*t helps you in some way to realize to remember that just when you think your screwed, blued and tattooed, there's someone who's getting hosed just a little bit harder. Things can always be worse.

Well, I'm off to find a freaking job now.... :rotz:
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Hang in there man, your integrity will pay off.


Man that brough back memories!  I started doing bodywork when I was 15 (in school) and as soon as I had a job I realized this is not the world I want to be in.  It took me over 15 years to realize I had to do soemthing about it before I would turn crazy (er) so I quit it all and now only do it as a hobby.

I sure hope you can find something decent Cooter, may not be a bad idea to let the boys in blue know that el douche drives around drunk.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

dyslexic teddybear

Quote from: Ghoste on July 11, 2013, 07:28:27 AM
Hang in there man, your integrity will pay off.

I hope integrity does pay off. It doesn't seem fair that so many really crappy businesses/owners/bosses get away with it. I've been small business or self-employed all my life, and it gets [expletive deleted] frustrating dealing with, or far worse, competing against such crappy people.

It is hard to walk away from good money. Every time I did though, I felt so much better, it was definitely worth it.

Good luck :2thumbs:


I got a good friend of mine out of the car repair business from a new car dealer, the flat rate was just a mess, so now he is working with me in the aircraft business and loves it,he has been here a few years now and doing so much better in every way! You will find something that works for ya! Good lucK


You will land on your feet Cooterman. Skilled, professional people are always in demand and you'll be snatched up in no time by a business that will appreciate what you bring to the table.
Now.......if you have a couple extra samolians take a few days off bro.
FLY NAVY/Marine Corps or take the bus!


Positive thoughts for Carlisle. Found out through text yesterday that the boss man only got two cars done all damn day long and was bitching about me going on vacation. Right, I've been going on vacation to the same place for over 14 years and NOW it's a problem?

I think he got a good ole reality check yesterday. Other guy said he was getting 'unbearable'. Oh well, amazing how much better you feel when there's someone else looking for you. Hope this other job can come up with some benefits. Thanks to all who took the time to reply. :2thumbs:

In the immortal words of Martin Lawrence in 'Bad Boys', WOOOOSAAA!
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


It looks to me like it is time to open your own shop.  I had several jobs before I started farming and NEVER like working for someone else.   :Twocents:


Hang in there, sir and something better is bound to come along.  I would have never put up with that .... either and something will turn up soon. B. of A. sucks also. Someone trying to do the right thing and actually PAY for their place but the bank says no !!!  I just don't get it in America anymore!  I hope things turn out for the best soon !



No, No


That does sound bad. I cant stand it when people "borrow" my tools. I swear I ought to "rent" them. And the drinking, well, that would've been it for me. Been there, done that, just cant be around it anymore. Im a carpenter/therapist for most of my clients, when Im not having to beg them to be paid... weeks later. Im working hard on just flipping my own homes. No clients or designers, no "boards" making the calls. Anyone working for someone else should ALWAYS be looking for something better. And I have to admit, it sounds like you deserve it.
'73 Cuda 340 5spd RMS
'69 Charger 383 "Luci"
'08 CRF 450r
'12.5 450SX FE

Daytona R/T SE

Quote from: Patronus on July 13, 2013, 09:27:15 AM
Anyone working for someone else should ALWAYS be looking for something better.

Very good advice. :scratchchin:

I'm going to remember that. :2thumbs:

My situation is not all that different than Cooter's.

I need to get the F@$% out. :flame:

NOW. :brickwall:

Bob T

Yep, vote with your feet, the only thing that will change the situation is you.
You have the skills to do your stuff anywhere, I just don't know what the job market is like in your area .
Zero respect for a boss on the sauce during work hours and then driving a customers car. And the tool thing, yeah, lock em.
I've been working for myself for 21 years and its not all its cracked up to be, still struggle to get paid on time and slow work periods but it can have other benefits. Recently I made a change to marine based work/ projects as I was done with what I was doing. 6 months in and I'm enjoying it, Its great and has a lot more opportunities going for it
Old Dog, Old Tricks.


Well, that sucks Cooter.  I've been down that road and have since left it behind.  Unfortunately, I'll have some lifetime scars from it.  My only advice is to keep a positive outlook on your situation.  Greener pastures are always just over the next hill.  It might be a tougher hill to climb for some, but that's just more satisfaction to be had when you get there. :cheers:


Sorry about that Cooter...

Even though I bust your chops a lot you seem like a hard working man and knowledgeable mechanic. You deserve to be paid well for your experience and dedication to the craft. Skilled mechanics (not afraid to get down and dirty to fix a car) are becoming hard to come by these days.  


Something better will come your way man!! Sometimes it takes a while to land a good one but there are good one's out there. I worked at a GM dealership many years back (approx. 15/16 yrs ago) and what a awful experience it was. I was young and new to the world of the mechanic trade but had been to school and graduated from trade school for working on cars but its a whole different world trying to beat the clock when you have little experience. The guy's there were all douche bag's and that's the nicest thing I could say bout them, wouldn't help you if they were told to!! Quit and walked out there and back to the carpet mill where I had a friend whose dad had a shop and worked alone and might need a hand sometimes so I talked to him. He was a stern guy but a very good mechanic and very serious and great to his loyal customers. I worked for him for three years and learned so much from him. He had two son's that had no interest in cars or mechanic work so he didn't mind showing me shortcuts and helping me out with stuff. I had three small kids at the time and had to have health insurance so I went back to another carpet mill for insurance. Me and my mechanic boss still to this day are good friends and I still call him for advise, he understood why I had to take the mill job that was offered. This wasn't the best job but there were guys coming in working on the forklifts and when we were slow I would hang with them and one of them guys said to put in application and said it was a good place to work so I did and have been there for over 14 yrs now. Some things happen so other things can take place so maybe a new door will open for you soon!!!!!

Kern Dog

Great stories Cooter. Good luck with everything, Greg


'Ya know, sometimes just getting an update on the situation can make all the difference. Thanks fellas. It really is good to know that the good folks of can talk it through, when the rest of the world doesn't care.

Twas' at Carlisle and got a call from boss man. Of course didn't want to answer it. Left a voicemail. Checked message. Something bout asking me for the number to my buddy at my last job for some "Second Shift" work at the shop. kinda threw me. On one hand, I know he is a vindictive SOB, but one the other I know he isn't that stupid either. Looks like my decision gets easier everyday. Only problem is many of the shops round here seem to think that Health Insurance is for the big companies and People that work on cars don't seem to need/want it. I know it can't be all that outrageous because the small [4 employees] we have now have insurance. Oh well, thanks for taking the time to listen, as this has been weighing on my head heavy lately. I hate moving round every 4 years, but looks like that's bout the only thing to do now-a-days.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"

Old Moparz

Cooter, at least Carlisle broke up the monotony for a few days.  :Twocents:

It's tough finding a work place that will treat you decent, but they do exist. I worked at a few places over the years that were either "just okay" or outright "crappy" with an a-hole in charge. I used to have the mentality that every job was going to be a stepping stone to somewhere better until after working where I am now for about 2 years. (Been here since 1996) It took some time to get past the thought that they weren't going to take advantage of me somehow, try to screw me out of pay, or do something so ridiculous I'd simply quit.

A friend of mine who's been an auto mechanic since 1983 or so, worked at a few places that were bad but ended up at a shop he's been at now for about 15 years. He never seems to complain about anything other than some idiot customer once in a while who says something to prove how stupid they are.   :lol:

I didn't get to say hello to you at Carlisle, but then again I could've been standing next to you & wouldn't have known it.   :smilielol:

              I Gotta Stop Taking The Bus


Well, I done up and done it now. I know where negative is, as it's where I am now. All I can do is try and think positive...Not an easy concept for myself, but Anything is positive from where I am now I guess.

Took another job at another shop. Hopefully, it will be for the best. I sure am getting tired of moving round. Would like to stay at one place for 15 years. Moving a tool box SUCKS!

Kinda dreading this morning as I have to drop the news and two weeks notice. He don't deserve it, but I wanna know I did the right thing. No matter what, The bridge will be burnt as I'm leaving period.

Gettin' too old for this sh*t fellas.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"

Old Moparz

Quote from: Cooter on July 16, 2013, 05:53:36 AM

Kinda dreading this morning as I have to drop the news and two weeks notice. He don't deserve it, but I wanna know I did the right thing. No matter what, The bridge will be burnt as I'm leaving period.

Good luck with the new job.   :cheers:

You may already have it in the back of your mind, but don't forget to put away every tool you own in your box & keep it locked once you drop that bomb.   :Twocents:

              I Gotta Stop Taking The Bus


I agree with Dino... I'd let the "Boys in blue" know whats going on and if he happens to be doing it during the next two weeks you give him, Call them and let them know where he's going. It can be a "going away present" so to speak.  :misbehaving:  :lol:

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


I'm in agreement with Dino and Tilar. I would be madder than a  hornets nest if he was getting all sauced up and then taking my car for a joy ride. You're doing the right thing. No one should be miserable doing the job they love.


Hell, I'd even go as far as to bring him maybe a fifth of something he'd like to drink, Then once he's 3 sheets in the wind, Have a car that you feel he needs to go test drive and then call the boys in blue as soon as he's out the driveway... Maybe even have them "expecting" the call.  :D

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Best of luck on the new job :cheers:  Hope it goes well for you.  Never know, you might be there till you retire